MFR Brochures™
Beautifully designed.
13 topics available.
Created for JFB-trained MFR Therapists.
Let it be easy to get new clients.
Let it be easy to talk about MFR topics.
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What are MFR Brochures?
MFR Brochures are single-panel “rack cards” that provide important information for your clients. Each brochure covers the basics in a beautiful and concise presentation. The information is easily digestible for clients and enables you - their therapist who knows them best - to elaborate in any way you think is most important to your client’s healing process.
After talking about these topics at the session, send a copy home with your clients who can read them at their leisure or as the need arises - such as when a healing crisis occurs and they are not in your office. Not all clients are in a mental space during or after treatment to hear what you say, for any number of reasons. They will benefit tremendously from having resources to read after they leave your office and continue thinking about what came up for them.
MFR Brochures are designed by an expert-level JFB-MFR therapist with a masters degree in education, and are used by amazing therapists all over the country!
Who would MFR Brochures help?
MFR Brochures help everyone! New clients, clients who’ve had MFR for long time, visual learners, and clients looking to get more from their healing journey.
MFR Brochures help you to confidently talk about topics that come up all the time. Maybe you don’t have the words yet to talk about unwinding or emotions, or maybe you want to visually illustrate the posture concerns you’ve identified with your client.
MFR Brochures provide an educational component to your treatment sessions whether you simply give your client the card or add your own insight to the topic.
Ways that MFR Brochures Help You:
• Communicating the benefits of MFR for acute and chronic pain conditions, MFR for Babies, MFR for general well-being, and Women’s Health
• Providing a list of conditions that MFR treats
• Easily explaining the healing crisis and unwinding
• Encouraging self treatment between sessions
• Developing client understanding of posture
• Conveying how emotions can cause physical symptoms in the body
• Clarifying how ongoing treatment, healing seminars, and intensives are beneficial
• Talking about how old scars can create seemingly unrelated symptoms
• Describing practical ways to breathe better
• Suggesting ways to travel with less pain
MFR Brochures help you to get more clients!
There is space at the bottom of every brochure to add your own business label.
MFR cards are perfect to hand out at events, drop off with referral sources, and have on hand when you meet people and tell them you are an MFR therapist. Our “Build Your Practice” pack has 200 MFR cards that you can distribute to let everyone know how MFR can help them.
We also have MFR Banners for sale that you can display at events and booths. Banners communicate how MFR helps people get out of pain and back to doing the activities they enjoy. Displaying a banner frees you up to talk with potential clients, answer questions, and even provide quick treatment demos.
Whether you are new to MFR, recently opened your business, or have been treating clients for a long time, MFR Brochures can help you!
Pick the topics that will help you the most!
We offer three pre-selected bundles:
• Our “MFR Core Pack” is a larger version of what is sold at MFR Seminars, and includes 50 cards of these topics: MFR, Healing Crisis, Self Treatment, Emotions, and Unwinding.
• Our “One of Everything” pack gives you all 13 topics, plus a free notepad of your choice.
• Our “Build Your Practice” pack helps you get new clients and includes 200 MFR cards.
• Our “New Ones” pack includes our 6 newest cards, and will only be available through December. This is available to anyone, but designed for those people that had already purchased all of our brochures in the past! Includes: Breathing, Posture, Women’s Health, Scar Release, Traveling and Well-Being.
If you want to pick our your own brochures:
Use our 5-pack and 10-pack options to purchase the exact topics that will help you and your clients the most.
For reorders use our 1-pack and 2-pack options to restock the brochures that you give out all the time!
Whether you want to give your clients resources on topics you already discuss to improve client outcomes, or whether you want to have cards on hand for tricky topics you don’t yet feel comfortable talking about, MFR Brochures will help you and your clients in countless ways.
MFR Brochures Gallery
Scroll through our gallery to read what each card says:
Click on the right and left arrows to see all the brochure topics.
(Just a quick reminder that our brochure cards are copyrighted!)
Purchase your brochureS here
Buy a preselected pack or create your own set of topics.
Buy more to save more!
MFR Brochures
Get inspired!
See how other therapists have displayed their mfr brochures
Click on the right and left arrows to see all the photos.
(Just a quick reminder that our brochure cards are copyrighted!)
Want us to feature you and your practice?
Send us a photo of your MFR Brochures display and we will add it to the gallery with a link to your website! brochures@pacificmfr.com
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• Learn to create a practice full of ideal clients
• Learn how to make the most of your MFR brochures
Hi! My name is Kristin Kunzelman, and I am an Expert Level JFB-MFR Therapist with a master’s degree in Education. My MFR-only practice is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA.
Before I became an MFR therapist, I was an MFR patient for over 5 years with neck injuries. My first career was teaching in the public schools for over 15 years, and I continue to perform as a classical musician. I grew up in households focused on the arts and graphic design. I am passionate about helping ALL clients get the most from their MFR experience!
If you have any questions, please reach out: brochures@pacificmfr.com